The Siren is Accepting Contributions!

The Body Positive issue will be open to contribute to until May 17th.

The Siren would like to feature artwork and written pieces about body positivity. Photography, collages, playlists, drawings, poems, paintings or anything your creative mind can think of is welcomed to be featured in the next Siren. The Body Positivity issue will be published and distributed by the Women’s Center at the University of Oregon in Fall 2020.

Contribute at or email submissions to

Body Positivity is thought of to show a new meaning to the body positive movement. The Siren wants to uncover the meaning of feminism and bodies have a complex place in that conversation. Bodies are personal yet political and some are not as free as others. I want the Body Posi. issue to explore different ways that bodies can be expressed and understood. All bodies are valuable and this next Siren will celebrate the value of our bodies.

Some questions I’m asking myself while building this zine:

  • What is the current meaning of Body Positivity?

  • Who is missing from the Body Positive movement?

  • How can I challenge stereotypical ideas of Body Positivity?

  • What does it mean to place value on a body?

The Siren Magazine