Freelancing Q & A with Julie Biot, Founder of Gurvi Movement and Entrepreneur

What makes you want to do freelance work? Is there something enticing about working in freelance? 

I caught the travel and freelance bug quite early on when I left France 8 years ago. I have lived as an “expat” in Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, and Mexico.  

I love working as a freelancer, and especially as a digital nomad, because it gives me the freedom to choose my clients, my location, and my projects.
I do not need to go to the office, I just need my MacBook and a good WiFi connection.

I can work at my own pace, organise my days as I wish, and I have the chance to discover the world while working. 

What type of work is freelancing for? 

Any online job really... From teaching, coding, marketing, designing, investing, writing, tutoring, and translating. You name it! I myself am a freelance UX Designer. 

I also dedicate my time to mentoring womxn in how to manage their digital careers, and I advocate alternatives to the 9-to-5 routine, with my project Gurvi Movement.

What are important things to keep in mind when someone is starting out doing freelance work? 

On my freelance journey, I learned early on to have a consistent daily routine and schedule that I can rely on, no matter the location. 

I always make sure that I create a good life/work balance and a solid 'morning routine', so that my mind and brain are on point before jumping to work!

I have strong self-discipline, commitment, and motivation. My freelance career and my income are determined by my own daily decisions, and being the only decision maker sometimes can be overwhelming.

I advise you to NOT accept all the missions available to you. If something feels off (client personality or project), that’s probably because it is. Trust your gut feeling.

 Finally, your working environment is one of the most important factors in being productive. 

Make sure you choose cafes in which you can work in good conditions (table or desk, space, natural light, internet connection, …) or re-arrange your space at home to create a separation between your workspace and non-workspace.

Name some tools that someone might need to start freelancing. Ex: would someone need a portfolio, a brand, or experience in making contracts? 

You need to showcase your work and skills by creating a portfolio, or a personal website.

Your online presence portrays you. Without it, you do not exist as a professional, so you need to evaluate, define and promote your marketable skills. 

How can someone determine their pricing? 

Knowing where you stand in today’s job market and setting your freelance rates can be challenging, especially if you're new to freelancing.

There are 2 main pricing options: time-based pricing and project-based pricing. My advice is to set a benchmark, and do some research: find out what the average salary is for this particular job, and look at the average hourly rate on a freelance platform. 

Don’t forget to consider your seniority.

Keep in mind that you have to pay your expenses, pay yourself a salary, and earn a profit!

What are some ways that a freelancer can make connections to new clients? 

There are specialized platforms that act as intermediaries between you and a potential client: Fiverr, Upwork, Hubstaff, Malt, Toptal, just to name a few. 

Connect with other people on LinkedIn, create a network no matter where you are, and always ask for referrals.

Create different social networks according to your target audience. It could be Twitter, Tiktok, LinkedIn, etc. 

How can someone craft a good pitch? 

The purpose of a pitch is to create a discussion, some interest, and engagement.

Your interlocutor expects certain answers to questions such as:

What value can you bring to my project(s)? How can you support me? 

By providing the right answers, you will create positive emotions that will prompt the other person to engage with you. 


Do you want to learn how to become a freelance or digital nomad

Feel free to reach out to me and I’ll do my best to support you in your journey.

We offer a step-by-step course to break free from the 9-5 routine, work remotely and travel the world as a digital nomad. Take your life to the next level, enroll today!

Short bio 

Hi I'm Julie! 👋  I am the founder of Gurvi Movement. French by passport, world citizen by heart. I have traveled to 40+ countries and turned my passions (Feminism, travel, design, tech) into an online business. 

The Siren Magazine